Willem Glashouwer

Day 1: ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’

Day 1: ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’

‘Revelation’ and ‘apocalypse’ both mean unveiling. What was hidden is in the process of becoming visible. Jesus Christ is unveiled and becomes visible to everyone. That is what the last book in the Bible is about.

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Day 6: ‘…communicated it to His bond-servant John.’

Day 6: ‘…communicated it to His bond-servant John.’

John, the servant of Jesus Christ, His bond-servant, had reached a ripe old age. This was the disciple whom Jesus loved. That the relationship between Jesus and John was especially close can be deduced from the observation that while hanging on the cross in His dying moments, the Lord entrusted His mother, Mary to John’s care.

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Day 9: …to all that he saw…

Day 9: …to all that he saw…

John did not only testify to everything the Lord Jesus Christ said and did during His lifetime, but he also claimed to have seen everything with his own eyes. That qualified him to be an apostle.

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