Behold He Comes - Devotional Book

Behold He Comes Book

Rev. Willem J. J. Glashouwer presents the Book of Revelation in a new light. Study God’s roadmap for the future, step-by-step. You only need a couple of minutes each day in which you study one or two verses of the Book of Revelation to come to a clearer understanding.

PAPERBACK  |  366 Devotions  |  572 pages

Behold He Comes - Devotional Book

About The Book

The last book of the Bible – The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John. A book with seven seals, which only theologically trained people can understand?

Rev. Willem J. J. Glashouwer presents the Book of Revelation in a new light.

  • Up-to-date with current affairs.
  • God has great plans with Israel and the world.
  • A beacon of light in turbulent waters.
  • It shows the way and gives hope.
  • A book of comfort for people living in the end times.
  • Everyone can understand it. The author writes for lay people.
  • For those who want to know more he provides interesting background information.

Study God’s roadmap for the future, step-by-step. You only need a couple of minutes each day in which you study one or two verses of the Book of Revelation to come to a clearer understanding.

This book of comfort for the Church of Jesus Christ gets a new meaning for many people in the end times we are living in – now that the Jewish people are returning home to Israel.

You will discover that God is the beginning and the end, the first and the last, who is and who was and who is to come.

We are living in the age when the Jewish people are returning to the Promised Land—one of the most important end-times signs for our time. That means that Israel’s Messiah, the Saviour of the world and the King of kings, is coming.

What’s inside

‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’


‘Revelation’ and ‘apocalypse’ both mean unveiling. What was hidden is in the process of becoming visible. Jesus Christ is unveiled and becomes visible to everyone. That is what the last book in the Bible is about. It is about the return of Jesus Christ as Saviour, Judge and King. It is about the close of world history. It is about the disasters and the judgments that will mark the last days of this period of world history. It is a glance into the present, the past and the future.

This book was written not just to satisfy our curiosity but to show us that the future lies in His hands. God reveals what is hidden. There is a God in Heaven who reveals secrets.1 Jesus Christ will soon appear in great power and majesty. When will that happen? No one knows – not even the angels, nor the Son; only the Father knows.2 But it will happen. Who knows how soon?

This revealing, unveiling, making visible, becoming perceptible, is unique. No other
religion presents the phenomenon of prophecy the way the Bible does. The God of Israel does nothing without first revealing His secret counsel to His servants, the prophets.3 God says, ‘Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it.’4 The Son, Jesus Christ, is God’s first and last Word. The Scriptures testify of Him5, and now the last and final things about Him and by Him may be revealed. It is like unveiling a statue. When its covering is taken away, one can clearly see its beauty.

How wonderful to have the privilege of knowing that this world will not be left to its own fate. God is in control. It does not get out of His hands. The final destiny of the world is not beyond His control, and neither are our own personal lives out of His reach. We can depend upon that today and all the days of our life. Until the tremendously glorious future finally dawns. Therefore, we can entrust our personal lives to Him, every day of our life. He is the Lord of our life. What a comforting thought!



“I wish to thank all those who encouraged me to write this book: the publisher; the fellow board members of ‘Christians for Israel’ whom I have been privileged to serve as President for many years until today; and my family, especially my wife, Marianne. Without them this book would not have happened.” 

– Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer, author.

About the author.

Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer

Rev. Willem J. J. Glashouwer is President of the international interdenominational and politically independent movement ‘Christians for Israel’. He is an ordained minister of the Dutch Reformed Church. Rev. Glashouwer has written several Bible Study books, including Why Israel? which was translated in over 30 languages.

When I was approached with the unique and creative idea of writing a Bible study book in the format of a daily devotional book on the Book of Revelation, verse by verse, day to day, I immediately said ‘yes’ for two reasons. First, to make the contents of a book on the Coming of Jesus Christ accessible to a greater public, and secondly, to prepare us all for the Coming of the Lord in Glory.

May the Lord bless this book in the world!

Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer

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