Day 130: The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from Heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters — and the name of the star is called Wormwood [Alsem]; and a third of the waters became wormwood [alsem, bitter]; and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.


WEEK 19 | DAY 130

What if that which is described in Revelation 8:8–9 and 8:10–11 are not nuclear weapons, but a strike from an asteroid or a comet, and precipitation from the tail of a comet? When the first plague strikes Egypt1 it was said that all the water of the Nile was changed to blood and that there was blood throughout the land of Egypt. Does the tail of a comet contain chemicals, like rust-coloured fine dust? Is that where the blood-red pigment came from? Was that blood-coloured pigment then the cause for the fish to die, followed by decomposition and stench so that ‘the river stank’? Is that why all the Egyptians dug near the Nile for water to drink, because the water from the Nile was undrinkable?2 There are scholars who think that the Egyptian plagues were the result of a clash, or near-clash, with a comet, with all its ensuing consequences. Is that where the Red Sea gets its name from, instead of from a red bird or red coral formations, as is sometimes suggested? Bloody rain that fell is spoken of in ancient times—in Egypt, in Babylon, in the area of the Tartars in the Altai Mountains, in Greece and elsewhere. Was that meteorite dust of a poisonous nature? Who can tell?

Searching for natural scientific explanations for wonderful events does not always have to indicate lack of faith. For example, Scripture itself says that the waters of the sea flowed backwards because a strong easterly wind blew all through the night3—a miracle from the Lord, caused by forces of nature, which He Himself created and can use for the benefit of His people whenever it suits Him. Miracles do not have to be ‘magic tricks’—and the greatness of the Creator is becoming even greater and increases when we realize ourselves by faith that He is capable of making just the right thing happen at just the right moment in nature., even if He has to shake the Universe for that purpose. Whether these scientific explanations are correct or not does not matter as far as faith is concerned however. As Scripture says that this is what happened in the past in Egypt, and then talks about future events, we know that it will happen in a similar way in the future on a worldwide scale also.

If the ‘star’ that will fall burning from Heaven is not a comet or any other celestial body, but has to do with modern warfare, it could refer to intercontinental rockets that are first are launched into orbit round the earth with a tremendous thrust and, from there, then fall back to earth like ‘burning stars’ as a result of atmospheric friction. The inventors of these weapons have to be careful to prevent the actual nuclear weapon from catching fire when the rocket’s casing is consumed in flame, so that it will only be ignited afterwards, at the designated height above the earth. The rockets do not necessarily have to be loaded with a nuclear warhead. They can also carry nuclear poison bombs, which spread certain insulated radio-isotopes, even without any explosive power, or neutron bombs. The star is Wormwood, meaning bitter. The Greek word is ‘absinthos’. Drinking absinth has a paralysing effect. This liqueur was invented at the end of the 18th century and its abuse caused paralysis and hereditary damage by affecting the nervous system.

Therefore, this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: “See, I will make this people eat bitter food and drink poisoned water.”4 What if water, drinking water, the sources of water, rivers and streams and brooks and underground waters too become ‘bitter’? Only a third of the waters become ‘poisoned’ fortunately, because no one can live without good, pure, healthy sweet drinking water.


Bible References:
1.Exodus 7:14–25 2.Exodus 7:24 3.Exodus 14:21 4.Jeremiah 9:15