Day 133: The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.1


WEEK 19 | DAY 133

The fifth angel blows the trumpet after the threefold ‘woes’, with the warning announcement of the last three trumpets. God has begun and is pursuing His judgment of the apostate, reprobate world. Again, a warning is given each time—just like the warnings given before the plagues of Egypt, which bear striking parallels—such as the water turning into blood, and the darkness.

There is even something of a temporary conversion happening after the tenth plague, for Pharaoh says: ‘Go!’ And the Egyptians say: ‘Go quickly, before we all die!’ And Israel leaves Egypt after the death of the Egyptians’ firstborn.2 Here however there is no question of any conversion. Nor do they repent.3 The sledgehammer-blows of the final trials and judgments apparently only increase the hardening of their hearts.

The scholars who see the development of a 3rd World War in these images, describe it like this. It’s beginning with the use of inter-continental rockets with nuclear warheads that fall from the skies like burning stars. Followed by battles by Air Forces, using fighter- bombers, fighter-jets and fighter-helicopters with their missiles. Then the ground-forces, the Army, with their heavy equipment like tanks, armoured cars and other vehicles of war come into action. Although the staff of generals on both sides are ‘in command’ and decide how these attacks and counter-attacks should take place, the Book of Revelation makes it clear that ‘dark forces’, ‘powers of darkness’ are in fact in charge and inspire the general staff and the military leadership. They are really ‘in command’.

As usual John sees ‘in Heaven’ the spiritual background causing the effect of what happens here on the earth. The Angel of the Lord blows the trumpet and a star falls from Heaven. This image is reminiscent of the fall of Lucifer also known as the light bearer, the morning star that was with God, the son of the dawn, who said in his heart that he wanted to be like God.4 He wanted to be like God, and he brought man, who had just been created, down with that same temptation.5 How the devil is thrown down to earth once and for all will shortly be shown in greater detail.6

Nevertheless, the devil has no power over the believers. For instance, when the seventy(two) return to the Lord Jesus they tell Him excitedly: “Lord, even the demons submit to us in Your name,” and then He says to them: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven.”7 Here the devil opens the shaft of the Abyss. He is given the key to it. The devil cannot go further than God permits. He receives the power to do so. Evil has no absolute might or power of its own. Evil can only operate if God gives permission.8 Pilate has no power to put Jesus to death than that given by God.9 And evil must work together for good for believers.10


• When intercontinental nuclear rockets and missiles are fired in modern- day warfare there is no time for giving other military commands. When that happens an automatic chain-reaction starts.
• When the rockets approach at a speed of around 8 kilometres per second and their approach is picked up by satellites and radar, the underground silos automatically open up, the covers slide back and the counterattack comes into action. Because the opponent knows this, it is hoped he will never attack, because this will automatically lead to self-destruction.
• John does not see the star falling from Heaven but he sees the star that had fallen from Heaven. This is called ‘prophetic past tense’.

Bible References:
1.NIV 2.Exodus 12:29–33 3.Revelation 9:21 4.Isaiah 14:12–14 5.Genesis 3:5 6.Revelation 12:9 7.Luke 10:17–20 8.Job 2:1–8 9.John 19:10–11 10.Romans 8:28