Day 134: When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. 3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth.1


WEEK 20 | DAY 134

There is an inhabited Abyss, the existence of which is known to demons. They once pleaded with the Lord not to send them there before the appointed time.2 Apparently, they know that there is an appointed time that they will be thrown into that place. And that the ‘Son of the Most High God’ has everything to do with that. The Greek word is ‘abyssos’. It is the place where the fallen angels are kept for their eternal judgment.3 This is where the beast comes from.4 The Angel will shortly cast the dragon, the old serpent, that is the devil and Satan, and his demonic co-workers into it, and they will have to remain there, bound, for a thousand years.5 At this moment the place of punishment of the demons is opened up by the devil and the effect on planet earth is terrifying and devastating.

The ‘Revelation of Jesus Christ’, the unveiling of His Glory, is accompanied by the revealing of everything that is hidden, including that of the extreme injustice and appalling sins, and shows the reality of the powers of the invisible underworld. The hidden ‘powers of darkness’ are revealed. When the Abyss is opened up, the hidden separation between the ‘world of men’ and the ‘world of evil spirits’ is invisibly removed. Modern man and modern philosophy reject the existence of evil spirits, demons, fallen angels and the devil. They are all nonsense and mythological, they say—medieval superstition, an invention of religious Christian sadists who attempt to win souls by instilling this kind of fear upon naïve people. Modern man is intelligent and rational. Scientific rational thought, science and technology will rule the world and make earth a Paradise, they say.

People throughout the world are having second thoughts about rationalism, however. Despite all the contempt people have for those ‘religious fanatics’ who still believe in spirits and demons, a hitherto unknown infatuation and eagerness for ‘the occult’ is perceptible. Theologians who preached ‘the death of God’ are turning to all kinds of spiritualistic and, sometimes, spiritist experiences, doctrines and practices. New Age is being taken very seriously. Indian magicians are greatly respected. Paranormal and supernatural phenomena are taken very seriously and researched in-depth in the realm of natural science.

And ‘evil’ is on the rise amongst mankind. Even children are no longer safe from all kinds of perversity. The sexual abuse of children – even in the Church by priests and bishops – is appalling. Millions of unborn children have already been murdered.

The cruelties of the Holocaust are indescribable. Genocide and mass slaughter were committed as never before in Cambodia, Rwanda, and in other places on earth. In the last century, there were two world-wars, with more victims than in all the wars in all the previous centuries, even combined. World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion).

The demons are very much alive and kicking, and they always are making use of human beings. “Then Satan entered Judas,” it is said.6 The invisible realm of demons is behind the terrors of modern warfare. But it is carried out by people, by men and women who become an instrument in their hands.


• When the counterattack from the underground launch sites begins, rockets that produce enormous clouds of smoke appear. One cannot help but think of the smoke and fire when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, smoke and fire as from a furnace.7 The ‘locusts’ point to the plagues of Egypt8 once again. But these ‘locusts’ are as poisonous as scorpions. They look like robotic ‘insects’, but loaded with ‘poison’ and electronically driven and steered, with ‘poison’ in the form of chemicals and poisonous chemical gas-grenades. Clouds of deadly gasses are produced by them. John sees ‘grasshoppers’ as ‘scorpion’-like beings, like devilish insects. Are these “grasshoppers” modern-day military fighter-helicopters? Or drones?

Bible References:
1.NIV 2.Luke 8:27–31 and Matthew 8:29 3.Jude 6 4.Revelation 11:7, 17:8 5.Revelation 20:1–3 6.John 13:2, 6:70; Luke 22:3 7.Genesis 19:28 8.Exodus 10:12–15