Day 139: They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).1


WEEK 20 | DAY 139

The leadership of the whole war machine is in the hands of the underworld. The general staff is demonically inspired. Abaddon means abyss, destruction, downfall in Hebrew and Apollyon means destroyer, corrupter in Greek. The prince of the evil spirits is called by the Pharisees Beelzebul,2 the lord of the house, and also called Beelzebub, and thus identified with the Philistines’ lord of flies.3 Demons have names, thereby being individual beings, just as the good angels also have names. The stars have names too, and the Lord knows them by name, just as He also determines the number of the stars.4 The prince of the demons from the Abyss is called the angel of the Abyss. The tip of the veil of the reality behind our reality is lifted once again.

What drives people? How does it come about that generals give orders and pilots climb into their aeroplanes with holds full of bombs and, when they have arrived above their targets, they simply, without hesitation, press the button and release their bombs, just as when Rotterdam, Dresden and Hiroshima were bombed? There is something behind all their actions. Generals cannot give such orders on their own. The political leaders, the leaders of governments, the presidents and the dictators basically carry the responsibility for such orders and they, in turn, are accountable to the representatives of the people in their parliaments. The people rule and decide by majority of votes. So ultimately we all share the responsibility in that.

Dictators do whatever they want, however. This is why it will become clear that the ‘beast’— the man who is fully under the control of the devil—is behind all this. Evil spirits can inspire. Dictators can proclaim ideologies that motivate the masses. The slogans are beautiful and sound nice and very inspiring! Great enthusiasm with the masses! But the final result is always the same: rivers of blood. The slogan of the French Revolution was: liberty, equality, fraternity. Beautiful! But it ended in rivers of blood under the guillotine.

National Socialism and Fascism are called right-wing ideologies. Communism is called a left-wing ideology. However, whether the dictator is called Hitler or Stalin, or Lenin or Mao Tse- tung (or Mao Zedong): millions of innocent people were slaughtered and incredibly powerful armies and war machines were developed that rolled over the then-world. What more does anyone want: freedom, equality and fraternity! Nationalism and socialism! A classless society! All men are equal! A kingdom for a 1000 years in the name of Man! We can do it! No God or divine laws needed! We know ourselves what is right or wrong!

Yet the guillotine is where thousands had their heads cut off. And in the lands of Christianity people in the thousands were tortured at the Inquisition, by a ‘christian’ state ideology, developed in Rome. Often Jews and Bible-believing Christians are in the front row of the endless streams of victims. The devil was a ‘murderer from the beginning’ and the ‘father of all lies’5 and his demonic general staff, his invisible commanders, control their legions. “Legion is my name,” says one of them, for we are many.6


• Scripture says that the ‘locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks.’7 So they march together in orderly fashion. This makes it clear that these insects are coherently driven by a common drive: their instinct.

• The comparison with literally ‘locusts’ of the plagues of Egypt is therefore only partially relevant.

• These end-time locusts are no insects. Only in so far that these end-time ‘war machines’ and huge armies are invisibly driven by intelligence and a common string of command that comes from outside of them, from the power of darkness – although they are convinced that these plans of attack are their own rational decisions.

• The ‘beast’ himself, the ‘anti-Christ’, also comes from the Abyss,8 and this shows that yes, a human being, a person is used, but that his inspiration is of demonic origin. In the same way, the war machine is directed by a human general staff, human leaders and human dictators, but they are inspired and led by the ‘angel from the Abyss’, who rules from that place like a king. For the destroyer and the destruction: see also Jeremiah 4:7, 6:26; Isaiah 16:4–5; Daniel 8:24–25, 9:26 and 11:44.

• Locusts are certain species of short-horned grasshoppers in the family Acrididae that have a swarming phase. These insects are usually solitary, but under certain circumstances they become more abundant and change their behaviour and habits, becoming gregarious. Locusts have formed plagues since prehistory till today. The ancient Egyptians carved them on their tombs and the insects are mentioned in the Iliad, the Bible and the Quran. Swarms have devastated crops and been a contributory cause of famines and human migrations. They are also edible insects; they have been eaten throughout history and are considered a delicacy in many countries.

Bible References:
1.NIV 2.Matthew 12:24 3.2 Kings 1:2–6 4.Psalm 147:4 5.John 8:44 6.Mark 5:9 7.Proverbs 30:27 8.Revelation 11:7 and 17:8