Day 166: And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them.


WEEK 24 | DAY 166

The witnesses strike the earth. Is this ‘the earth’ in the sense of Haéretz, the land of Israel? Or are their ‘plagues’ spread out over the whole world? This question also plays a role in Zechariah 13:8–9 NIV, where the prophet says: “In the whole land, declares the Lord, two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it. This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on My Name and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are My people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’” The Lord says: in the whole land. ‘Land’ in Hebrew is: ‘Haéretz’. But the same word is used in Zechariah 14:9 NIV as well, and there it is translated: “The Lord will be King over the whole earth.” It should have been translated in the same way in Zechariah 13:8: “In the whole earth two-thirds will be struck down…” So then the meaning becomes as follows: it will NOT be two-thirds of the Jews who have returned to the land of Israel that will be destroyed. As if the Lord in the near future the nation of Israel in the Middle East will turn into one big ‘Auschwitz”. This destruction of two-thirds of the Jewish people has already happened in the past, in the last 2000 years. And in fact, two-thirds of the Jewish race has been persecuted and destroyed all over the world over the course of history. If one adds up the numbers of the persecution and killing of Jews during the centuries, two-thirds of the Jewish people have actually been exterminated, both in the land of Israel and in the whole world. The ‘putting them into the fire’ does not mean their destruction, but their purification, their refinement. This ‘refining’ of the Jews who ultimately are alive, the remnant of the Jews that returns to ‘their own land’ Israel, will lead to their ‘calling upon His Name’ and His answering them: “They are My people.” They will respond: “The Lord is our God.”1 So, the proper translation of ‘Haéretz’ – the land (of Israel) or the whole earth – in both cases should be: “in the whole earth/world”. The one-third that has survived will be refined afterwards, not destroyed, says Zechariah.

Compare 1 Peter 4:12-17, where the same thing is said about the Church: “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. …For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” So a ‘purifying process’ will lead Israel to “…call on My Name and I will answer them …” says Zechariah verse 9. Then there will finally be a restored good relationship between the LORD and His firstborn son, Israel. Will there be a great tribulation? Yes! But destruction? No! There will be a refining, purifying process like silver and gold is refined and tested in the fire!

What is the extent of the ‘two witnesses’ plagues? The Greek uses the word “gè”, and that means earth, ground, part of the earth (i.e. land), territory, realm. Because what they bring about is so serious for the whole world, that the ‘beast’ declares war on them. However horrific the judgments are that the ‘two witnesses’ unleash under the eyes of the satanic tyrants, their presence is an act of ‘grace’ nevertheless. As it gives an opportunity for the incorrigible ‘earth-dwellers’ to change their ways. Only when the testimony and mission of these two witnesses has been completed does the ‘beast’ receive the power to conquer and to kill them—not before. Apparently, hearts have become so hardened under the seal and trumpet judgments, that mankind does not realize that these are the result of the wrath of God and of the Lamb.2 Hatred against everything that has to do with God and His realm has completely filled the hearts and the minds of those people on earth. You sometimes see this even today already in people around you. They are completely blind and deaf for what you try to say to them. They follow their own desires and instincts, their lust for money and pleasure in such an insensitive and unscrupulous behaviour as if they have no conscience at all. But never forget: the grace of God is nevertheless able to break through in the lives of these people: there are many impressive testimonies of this! Sad to say: this will then, in the final stage of the end times, no longer be the case. There will apparently be great joy all over the world when these ‘two witnesses’ finally die. John will get to see a lot more of the ‘beast’ later, when more about this end time figure will be revealed.3 But there is a lesson from what will happen to the ‘two witnesses’ in the future for the Church of Jesus Christ today. The Church should learn already today to witness prophetically and to manifest the prophetic ‘mantel of Elijah’. And then not be surprised when she starts feeling the consequences that this will have for the Church. The reward in Heaven will be great!


• The word ‘testimony’ is ‘marturia’—which is related to our word ‘martyr’— in Greek. Witnessing can have consequences – suffering. In your own, personal, direct surroundings – in an even unexpected way.

• Persecution may come from people you think you know and whom you trust. But if that happens you are in good company. As Christians in all the centuries in the past, today and tomorrow, are experiencing the same testing.

Bible References:
1.Zechariah 13:9 2.Revelation 6:16–17 3.Revelation 13