Day 192: And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.


WEEK 28 | DAY 192

The victory over the powers of darkness can nevertheless mean your physical death. “I tell you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him.”1 This is what the Lord Jesus says. The ‘brothers’ (verse 10) have conquered Satan while they were alive but not in their own strength, not by doing their very best, for people are no match for the cunning and malice of the very intelligent fallen angels. Indeed, it is even possible to play into their hands, like Peter, who, with the best intentions, wanted to dissuade Jesus from suffering and dying. That would have really played well into the devil’s hands! The redemptive work of the Lamb of God would not then have taken place. The human race would then have remained in the grip of ‘sin’ and the powers of darkness, indeed of the devil himself. That is why Jesus says immediately, “Go away, Satan!” and to Peter, “Behind Me.”2 You are only safe from the evil one, the sly one (the Greek says ‘ponèros’), behind Jesus, behind His broad back, for you do not stand a chance against Satan alone. I have conquered the devil, and you can only stand your ground with the spiritual armour.3 The devil and the demons have to retreat by the power of the blood of the Lamb.

The battle Johann Christoph Blumhardt had to wage in 1842 to bring Gottliebin, the possessed girl, to deliverance was tremendous, even epic. Johann Christoph Blumhardt (16 July 1805 – 25 February 1880) was a German Lutheran theologian, best known for his contribution in thought towards a kingdom-now or kingdom-come theology and his motto and centralization of Christianity around the idea that “Jesus is Victor.” The phrase “Jesus is Victor” originated from the exorcism of Gottliebin Dittus that took place in Möttlingen in 1842. He wrote a book about the two-yearlong demonic possession of the girl and published it in the year 1850, entitled ‘Blumhardt’s Battle’. Jesus is the Victor! The Möttlinger movement was the fruit of this.

In his book ‘Unter der Fuhrung Jesu’ (Under the Leadership of Jesus), Dr. Kurt Koch tells how possessed people are being delivered by the Name of Jesus throughout the world. Kurt E. Koch (1913-1987) received his Doctor of Theology degree from Tubingen University and was a noted German theologian, minister, and evangelist. He pastored and counselled those suffering from the occult in its various forms throughout the world, covering sixty-five countries and five continents. His books include Christian Counselling and Occultism; Demonology, Past and Present; The Lure of the Occult; and Occult Bondage and Deliverance. He was best known for his publications on the Occult. ‘Occult ABC’, Bible and Scripture Mission Dr. Kurt E. Koch eV, 4th edition 1996. ‘Pastoral and the occult’, 26 Edition 1985 ISBN 3-924293-18-X – English: ‘Christian Counselling and Occultism’.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.4 Deliverance from demonic possession, signs and wonders, along with healings always follow the preaching of the Gospel, throughout the world.5 Jesus heals by using medical means (through the work of doctors and medicines) and sometimes immediately, working a miracle. By a prayer of faith, through the anointing with oil of the sick according to James 5,6 by the gift of healing,7 through the laying on of hands.8 By the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. By trusting and believing, yes, by quoting the Word of God in faith.

For: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” the Authorised Version says, “and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”9 The NBG (Dutch) translation gives the subtle impression that there could also be Words of Scripture that are not God-breathed. Messing about with the authority of Scripture, casting doubt on God’s words, was the beginning of Eve’s being led astray in paradise.10 These victorious believers have conquered Satan by making the Word their own, however, and witnessing to it abundantly. They actually found that to be more important than living in this world. They are victors who die, but who live for ever! They have overcome!


• The loud voice from verse 10 could also be that of one of the souls under the altar who have been slain because of the ‘Word of God’ and the ‘testimony’ they had maintained.11
• Could the Book of Revelation refer to two categories of those who suffer and are slain by the ‘powers of darkness’? On the one hand the Jewish people who throughout the centuries kept to the ‘Word of God’ – their ‘Tenach/ Tanakh’ – and on the other hand Bible-believing Christians who have their testimony about Jesus?
• The ruler of this world is defeated. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “In this world you will have tribulation. But take courage! I have overcome the world.”12

Bible References:
1.Luke 12:4–5 NIV 2.Matthew 16:23 3.Ephesians 6:10–17 4.Hebrews 13:8 5.Mark 16:17–20 6.James 5:14–16 7.1 Corinthians 12:9, 30 8.Acts 9:12 and 17, 28:8–9 9.2 Timothy 3:16 10.Genesis 3:1 11.Revelation 6:9 12.John 16:33