Day 204: And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.


WEEK 30 | DAY 204

This is stated in a somewhat matter of fact fashion, but what terrible consequences these words have. The Jewish people are defeated. Who can read the book by Flavius Josephus The Jewish War with dry eyes, about the Romans’ war against the Jews in 66–70 AD, in which Jerusalem was finally conquered and destroyed, and the Temple went up in flames, never to be rebuilt to the present day?1 The last resistance was broken on the top of Masada when, encouraged by their leader Eleazar ben Meir, about nine hundred and sixty people chose death by their own hand, on 15 April 73, instead of imprisonment, torture, rape and slavery.

Verses 5 and 15 records that “The beast was given,” and “It was given”. God allows the beast a mouth, with which to speak great ‘words and blasphemy’. He is allowed to wage ‘war’ against the ‘saints’ and to defeat them. The second ‘beast’ will also shortly be permitted to do things that will bring people to worship the first ‘beast’ and its image. Evil never comes from God, but it does take place under God’s permission. Even if the victims of evil do not understand why they must suffer under the devil’s reign – and who will ever understand ‘why’ this happening? Yet, faith can nevertheless count on the fact that Satan and his realm are not being able to do anything without God’s permission. Although it is initially stated that the ‘dragon’ gives his power to the beast, and that the people start to worship the dragon and the beast as a result of that, it appears from verse 5 and from this verse that this does not happen without God’s permission. It has already been said of the ‘two witnesses’ that the ‘beast’ coming from the abyss will defeat them, even though that still lies in the future. That has been decided beforehand. What then is such a ‘victory’ worth? It does not take place without the Lord’s decree. It is a false victory anyway, because the ‘two witnesses’ will rise from the dead and the saints will rise to reign with Christ, even if they die the death of martyrs! Everyone on earth is thinking: ‘Who can prevail against this ‘super-power’ with its ‘superman’?’ Nobody thinks about God. And yet—divine irony—the beast can do nothing except what co-operates with God’s aims and proceeds towards the fulfilment of His will. “These things ‘must’ take place…” Revelation 1:1. While the beast seems unbeatable, it can do nothing except that which aligns with God’s aims and moves towards the fulfilment of God’s will.

Eventually, the beast falls on his own sword. The ripening of evil finally brings on God’s righteous judgment, when the threefold blasphemy is committed against: 1. the Name of God—whoever did this was guilty of death in Israel;2 2. the Tent, the Tabernacle, the Temple that prophesies of Christ in its totality;3 and 3. those who have their citizenship in Heaven, who have become children of God through the work of the Holy Spirit.4 This is the threefold blasphemy of the Triune God, and of all His works in this world.

The ‘beast’s aim is the destruction of ‘others of the seed of woman’—those who have the testimony of Jesus and keep God’s commandments. This refers to Israel and the Church. History’s great antichrists demonstrate this time and again. Nero aimed at the true Christians, Hitler at the Jews. The one goes more or less together with the other. The rest of the world is no longer neutral. Although there were still ‘good’ Germans and ‘good’ Dutchmen in the Second World War, and an underground, a ‘resistance-movement’ which enabled people to go into hiding, in the time of the ‘Beast’ these may not be able to emerge and exist as every tribe and nation and language and people support the ‘Beast’. However, he or she, whoever perseveres to the end will be saved, and will live forever, body, soul and spirit!


• Blaspheming the Name was the reason for the death sentence of the Lord Jesus Himself.
• When the ‘false witnesses’ did not succeed in presenting sufficient incriminating material for a condemnation, the High Priest stood up and asked asks Jesus directly: “I charge you under oath by the living God: tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” “You have said so,” Jesus replies. He assents to the fact.
• Jesus continues: “But I say to all of you: from now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the Clouds of Heaven.” That is how it will end! The High Priest says: “He has spoken blasphemy!” And the bystanders say: “He is worthy of death.”5
• As far as the ‘saints in Christ’ are concerned: no servant is greater than his master.6 What Christ has suffered, His disciples should expect the same. Jesus says: Remember what i told you: ‘A servant’ is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” Jogn 15:20.

Bible References:
1.Matthew 24:1–2 2.Leviticus 24:16 3.Hebrews 9:1–15 4.John 3:8; Philippians 3:20 5.Matthew 26:63–66 6.John 13:16, 15:20; Matthew 10:24; Luke 6:40