Day 226: Then I saw another sign in Heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels who had seven plagues, which are the last, because in them the wrath of God is finished.


WEEK 33 | DAY 226

Once again John sees a sign in Heaven, just like the sign of the woman in Heaven1 and the sign of the dragon in Heaven.2 It is a paradigm, a general spiritual principle of how God acts—as is shown very visible afterwards through events on earth. This celestial sign contains comfort and encouragement. It shows that things in Heaven are prepared and already ready. It refers to the last plagues and, even though the ‘seven bowl judgments’ still have to take place on earth, those in Heaven already know that these will fully and completely satisfy and finish God’s wrath. There is also a comfort for the Church here on earth. The Book of Revelation is a book of comfort for the Church indeed. This book reveals to her already now that these final judgments at the end of the end-times bring a complete end to all injustice on earth. They will mark the end of the government of the ‘beast’, of the activity of the ‘false prophet’, of ‘Babylon and the whore’, of the trials, tribulations and of the ‘great tribulation’. We are very near the Kingdom!

Earth still has to pass through these judgements, but the victors, those who overcome, are already standing there glorified before God’s throne, for that is where John sees them, already now. And they are praising the righteousness of God’s judgments and final verdicts. These are plagues though, once again. As well as being judgments in character, they are still intended to break hardened hearts—even if only those of individuals rather than big groups—to conversion. The judgments are unavoidable, for God’s measures, His cups are overflowing full. Apparently at this moment it is still possible for individuals to turn to God, however. Whereas in Revelation 10:7 it is said: “no more delay, no more time left”, here there is some leeway. If only people would listen…If some of them do, they will risk martyrdom, together with the very last believers in the end-times, but they will not come under the ‘wrath of God’ and therefore can be saved forever. They can turn away from idols to the One and only God. To serve the true and living God, and await His Son from Heaven: Jesus, Whom He resurrected from the dead, Who saves us from the coming wrath.3 They do not need to be afraid of final judgment, for Jesus took upon Himself that judgment for them as well. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.4 Will many people make use of this very last opportunity…? God’s ultimate wrath will be the ‘lake burning with fire and brimstone’.5 The judgment of the earth at the end of this aeon, this age, this part of world history will then be over, however. This is not just a great sign (compare with the beginning of Revelation 12), but also a wondrous, a wonderful in the sense of an astounding and unimaginable sign. It will bring us to the climax, to the apex. When the final angel has poured out his bowl, it will be heard “It is done!”6 It is over. Finished. The new era has come. Oh, how much one can long for that!


• The ‘seventh trumpet’7 contains the ‘seven bowls’ and is the ‘third woe’. When this is complete, the ‘mystery’ will also be completed / accomplished, just as He announced to His servants the prophets.8 What this means for the ‘remnant of Israel’ lies in the line of Exodus 34:10 NIV—“I am making a Covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you.”

Bible References:
1.Revelation 12:1 2.Revelation 12:3 3.1 Thessalonians 1:9–10 4.1 Thessalonians 5:9 5.Revelation 20:15 6.Revelation 16:17 7.Revelation 11:15 8.Revelation 10:7