Day 241: Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.1


WEEK 35 | DAY 241

It is clear that the above scenario involves more than just the ‘kings from the rising sun’, from the Near and Far East. The ‘kings of the whole earth’ are involved. They are marching to Israel for a dramatic final battle, goaded on by the false ‘trinity’: the ‘dragon’ and the ‘beast’ and the ‘false prophet’. The Lord alone is truly Three in One: Father – Son – Holy Spirit. The world leaders are demonically inspired to go into this end-time all decisive war. This does not happen without the Lord’s permission – as nothing on earth happens without Him, but it is executed and done by the inspiration of unclean, lying ‘spirits’. 1 Kings 22 records a similar situation. Micaiah ben Imla, a true prophet in Israel says: “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on His throne with all the ‘multitudes of Heaven’ standing around Him on His right and on His left. And the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?’ One suggested this, and another that. Finally, a ‘spirit’ came forward, stood before the Lord and said, ‘I will entice him.’ ‘By what means?’ the LORD asked. ‘I will go out and be a deceiving ‘spirit’ in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said. ‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the Lord. ‘Go and do it.’ So now the Lord has put a deceiving ‘spirit’ in the mouths of all these prophets of yours. The Lord has decreed disaster for you.”2 In the same way, the ‘gathering of the nations’ against Israel now comes from the Lord as well, but it is the work of ‘demonic powers’ driven out of Heaven.3 Another passage that speaks of this is in Joel 3:1–3 NIV which says: “I [the Lord] will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial,” and Isaiah says: “In that Day the Lord will punish the powers in the Heavens above (the ‘dragon’ and his fallen angels cast down from Heaven) and the ‘kings on the earth’ below. They will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon; they will be shut up in prison and be punished after many days.” Compare this passage with Revelation 20:1–3. “The moon will be dismayed, the sun ashamed; for the Lord Almighty will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and before its elders—with great Glory.”4 That is where all of this will lead to! Micah says: “But now many nations are gathered against you. They say, Let her (Zion) be defiled, let our eyes gloat over Zion! But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord; they do not understand His plan, that He has gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor.”5 These are all prophecies tied to a certain time in history, which were fulfilled at that time when they were given, but whose ultimate and final and complete fulfilment will take place in the end times. The ‘dragon’ and the ‘beast’ and the ‘false prophet’ have no idea what is really happening. How they are drawn to certain things and actions. They think that now, in the midst of the disasters of God’s judgments, is their chance to be done with the ‘people of God’ once and for all. This will be the beginning of their end, however. Are the ‘signs’, the occult ‘miracles and wonders’ performed by the demonic spirits tempting arguments, and bewitching down-to-earth senses, and the ‘common sense’ of the kings? The result of the work of these enticing ‘unclean demonic spirits’ that looked like frogs is there: they gather the ‘kings of the whole world’ together, with their armies, ‘for the battle on the great Day of God Almighty’. The ‘powers of darkness’ think they do it. But in fact they are being brought together by the Lord.


• The frogs, which are used as an image of demons, and which prefer to live in muddy ditches and pools, were considered to be very unclean animals in Israel.6 The King James Version calls them ‘abominable’.7
• The ‘abomination that causes desolation’ that Jesus speaks about in Matthew 24:15 points to the ‘demonic’ aspect of that which will be standing there. Referring to the two mosques, full of hatred against Israel and the Jewish people – and Bible-believing Christians for that matter as well?
• The word translated ‘unclean’ is often used in the Gospels in connection with demons and ‘unclean’ spirits.8

Bible References:
1.NIV 2.1 Kings 22:19–23 3.Revelation 12:7–9 4.Isaiah 24:21–23 5.Micah 4:11–12 6. Leviticus 11:10–12 7.Deuteronomy 14:3–21 8.Mark 1:23, 3:11, 5:2