Day 252: On her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”


WEEK 36 | DAY 252

Who is this ‘whore’, the mother of all ‘whores’, the seductress of the ‘beast’, who is bedecked with gold and jewels by the beast? The ‘beast’ is a political power structure, a world imperium, led by the anti-Christ, ‘the man of lawlessness’, ‘the son of destruction/perdition’ as Paul described and introduced him in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, ‘sold’ to the people by the ‘false prophet’ with beautiful slogans and ideologies, claiming that mankind by humanistic ideas and ideals will and can reach the Kingdom of Peace, Prosperity and Righteousness, in the name of Man – claiming to be divine himself. We are approaching the climax of the ‘city of man’ and the ‘world of man’ who sees himself as a ‘god’ in the depths of his thinking. ‘Babylon’, the city of man, over and against ‘Jerusalem’, the City of God. The final attempt by the devil and his angels to gain complete control over God’s Creation and over ’man’, created in the image of God.

The ‘whore’ who sits on the ‘beast’ and rides upon it, is pampered with a very comfortable position by the beast. The beast profits from this arrangement, for he comes into his own: this serves his need for power, for total control. The ‘whore’ seduces the ‘beast’ and also the ‘subjects’ of the political realm of the beast: the citizens of the world. She serves the beast. She is the great ‘Jezebel’ for whom the church at Thyatira was warned.1 It is mentioned there that she is ‘acquainted with the ‘depths of Satan’, that she ‘seduces’ the servants of Christ, and that Christ will bring her into ‘great tribulation’ in order to bring her back from her wrong ways. But she has not changed her ways in the ‘great tribulation’, however. On the contrary, she has become ‘drunk with the blood of the saints’. She tortured and killed them when they refused to be ‘seduced’ to serve her and the ‘beast’, when they did not want to go along with her new religion that should lead to the ‘new age’.

Who is the ‘whore’? She is the universal new spiritual/religious/theological power. She is the ‘apostate church’. She promotes the unity-in-diversity of all the various religions of the world. She collaborates with the new political rulers. She develops theologies that play into her and their hands, so that she and they get what they all want. She seduces Christianity. She seduces Judaism. She is the Roman Catholic Church at the time of the Inquisition, which was bloodthirsty in the way it persecuted the true Christians, and burned thousands of Jews at the stake. She is the ‘Jerusalem that kills the prophets, and stones those sent to her’,2 the earthly Jerusalem that is sometimes also able to be like a whore.3 She could be the ‘apostate Israel’ that may agree one-day to a treaty with the ‘anti-Christ’, the new ‘Prince of Peace’—a treaty that will be broken by him when he shows his true colours. From being ‘anti-Christ’ (‘anti’ meaning ‘instead of’) in the sense of a pseudo-Christ, a fake ‘Prince of Peace’, looking and speaking like a ‘Lamb’, to an ‘anti’-Christ (‘anti’ meaning ‘against’) being totally against God and the true Christ/Messiah, the true ‘Prince of Peace’. He is against the ‘God of Israel’ and against ‘Jesus Christ Messiah’, the true ‘King of kings’ and ‘Lord of lords’ and the ‘Messiah of Israel’. Then the ‘beast’ will show himself as the one that he really is, with all the malicious consequences that it entails.4 If ‘politics’ is able to use the ‘church’ for its purposes it will not fail to do so. When it no longer needs the ‘church’, it will trample it under its feet. The ‘whore’ is the apostate church, the apostate spiritual and religious power. She was the ‘Deutsche Christen’ in Hitler-Germany. She collaborated with Fascist and Communist dictatorships. She is ‘religious man’ at his deepest, man who wants to know the ’supernatural, the occult’ but nothing of the God of the Bible and of Jesus Christ. This is the worship of Creation instead of the Creator. It is ‘man on the throne’, and that is idolatry. ‘Babylon’ is the culture of ‘man without God’. It is religious though, and that is its secret.


• Babylon is mentioned for the first time in the Bible in Genesis 10:10. Nimrod is born to one of Noah’s sons, Ham. It was the era of the ‘new mankind’ that developed after the Flood and continued to stick together around the ‘Tower of Babel’ .
• The ‘Tower of Babylon’ probably was a ‘star-observatory’, a Babylonian ‘ziggurat’ with the ‘Heavens’ on the top.5 The ‘Heavens’ were represented by the ‘twelve signs of the zodiac’ on the four sides on the top of this ‘ziggurat’. The remnants of such Babylonian astronomical star-observatories are still found at various places in the Middle East.
• Nimrod developed a ‘new religion’ for this ‘new mankind’: worshipping Creation instead of the Creator. The ‘ancestors’, the ‘sun and the moon and the stars’, the ‘powers of fertility’, the ‘spirits and demons’, the ‘occult’ and so forth became the new ‘gods’. And he hunted down everyone who wanted to continue the worship of the One and Only God, the Creator of Heaven and earth.
• He was a ‘great hunter’ the Bible says. But the rabbi’s explain this that he was not just hunting down animals, but the he was a master in hunting down people. People who did not want to join his ‘new religion’.
• He was the first to develop a class of priests, a ‘priesthood’ as intermediaries between man and the world of the gods. He himself had absolute ‘political power’ and walked hand-in-hand with the new ‘religious power’, the priesthood he created. The people had one language, and their unity was strong. This is how they make ‘a name’ for themselves!
• The serpent’s temptation in Paradise, to be like God, continued in Bab-el, which means gate of the gods. Babel – the City of Man. Nimrod established both Babylon and Nineveh. Genesis 10:10-12 “The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went forth into Assyria…”
• Both ‘Assyria’ and ‘Babylon’ hated Israel and the Jewish people and led them into exile/captivity. Nebuchadnezzar’s Babel/Babylon later in time plundered Jerusalem and the Temple of the God of Israel.6 ‘Babylon’ fights and sometimes conquers ‘Jerusalem’. That happened between 600-500 BC. Then they destroyed God’s Temple, carried off the Temple golden vessels as well as God’s people Israel into exile, and enslaved them.
• ‘Babylon’ will achieve its greatest height under the anti-Christ. ‘Nimrod’ is one of the first ‘types’ of an ‘anti-Christ’ in the Bible.

Bible References:
1.Revelation 2:20–25 2.Matthew 23:37 3.Ezekiel 23 4.Daniel 9:24–27 5.Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1–9 6.Daniel 1:1-2