Day 286: And a second time they said, “Hallelujah! Her smoke rises up forever and ever.”


WEEK 41 | DAY 286

The sinners will perish from the earth, and the godless will no longer exist. “Bless the Lord, oh my soul! Hallelujah!”1 Babylon is destroyed; the Glorious Coming of Christ is very near. The beast’s armies will shortly gather for a last attempt at waging war against Him and His hosts, but that will be of short duration.2 The ‘beast’ upon which the ‘whore’, the ‘harlot’ sat or rode as her foundation – the woman rides the beast – is still very much alive and kicking on earth but with the fall of Babylon, the ‘heart’ has disappeared from the beast. The victory is already being celebrated in Heaven and on earth. We have crawled through the gutter and are approaching the full light. The anti-moral —where everything that produces money and profit is considered useful and good—has proved to be worthless and is in pieces. It has been cynically stated “Erst das Fressen und dann die Moral” (“first food, then morality”) Babylon has made it even more cynically into “Das Fressen ist die Moral”: “stuffing food is morality”. This is the anti-moral value where everything that produces big profit is considered good. ‘Materialism’ is the number one value. People high and low bore the ‘mark of the beast’, being the entry pass to brothel’ Babylon. The entry pass to the Babylon world is ‘brothel’. There is unity among all races, classes, ranks and standings, as far as the warfare against the Kingship of the Lord and His Anointed is concerned. Everyone has profited from end-time Babylon. These anti-moral values will be shredded to pieces with the destruction of Babylon.

The people who are exploited, the pariahs, in end-time Babylon are not the masses of workers, but the faithful believers who want no part in her sins. And therefore they will also not share in her plagues3 which they knew for sure were coming. ‘Babylon’ has been destroyed by the ‘beast’ and the ten-state federation.4 Her smoke rises for ever and ever. Isaiah said: “Its smoke will rise forever. From generation to generation it will lie desolate; no one will ever pass through it again.”5 He was speaking of Babel, the mountain of corruption,6 the power of corruption, which has corrupted the whole earth. Babel had the blood of God’s servants on its hands, as in Israel it sometimes happened too. Jehu is told: “You are to destroy the house of Ahab your master, and I will avenge the blood of My servants the prophets and the blood of all the Lord’s servants shed by Jezebel… As for Jezebel, dogs will devour her on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and no one will bury her.”7 Jezebel is an image, a type of the ‘whore of Babylon’. She was married to Ahab, and she came from Sidon, which was close to Tyre (!). Jezebel imported Baal and Astarte worship into Israel. She hunted down God’s prophets. That is what is worst about Babylon – she has the blood of God’s people on her hands. That account will first have to be settled before God’s just Kingdom and reign can come upon this world, through His Anointed One. And the smoke from Babylon will continue to rise to Heaven as a monument, for ever and ever—for all eons, throughout all the periods of time, all ages, all phases of world history through which mankind and the world will pass. Also during that ‘Kingdom of Peace and Righteousness’ under the Messiah of Israel, when the nations will have beaten their weapons into ploughshares and their spears into agricultural tools and Peace will go forth from Jerusalem to cover the whole earth?8 Will it be a reminder to mankind then, to not fall back into the same fatal stupidities as mankind is falling for at present? Will mankind be able to go wrong again? Apparently yes, for at the end of that 1000 year reign the devil will succeed again in gathering mankind to war9—for the last and final time then, and then for a very short time indeed! For the result will be that the Ancient of Days, the Eternal One will come to mete out justice to the saints of the Most High and that they will obtain possession of the Kingship.10


• Luther apparently said: You are allowed to sing a nice song twice! The crowd, the ‘great multitude in Heaven’- verse 1-2 – says ‘Hallelujah’ a second time. Repetition, with different words sometimes, is a well-known style in the Holy Scriptures. And do things not need to be said twice sometimes before you get it?

Bible References:
1.Psalm 104:34 NIV 2.Revelation 19:19-21 3.Revelation 18:4–6 4.Revelation 17:16– 17, 18:8 5.Isaiah 34:10 NIV 6.Jeremiah 51:25 7.2 Kings 9:4–10 NIV 8.Micah 4:1–5 9.Revelation 20:7–9 10.Daniel 7:22, 27