Day 315: and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds.


WEEK 45 | DAY 315

Some commentators say that the judgment meted out here can only be a negative judgment. These dead people who are resurrected now did not share in the first resurrection. Those who did were blessed and holy.1 But wait a minute! What is the eternal state of the people who had never heard of Christ and of the people of the nations who lived during the Messianic Kingdom? Or people that lived before the Flood, or nations that for many centuries had no Bibles, and had no other knowledge of God than by looking at the works of Creation and sensing the will of this Creator in their natural conscience, created in their innermost being? Could some of them show up in the Book of Life? Everyone who knew Christ will be acknowledged by Him and rewarded according to his or her works, but what about all the others? We can be sure of one thing though: in this judgment that is based on the works of all mankind of all times recorded in the books of those who did not participate in the first resurrection, God’s perfect righteousness will shine in a manner that supersedes every imagination. According to Scripture, every individual as a sinner is totally damn-worthy standing before God. He or she should be condemned by God, and God’s wrath rests on anyone who is not reconciled in Christ.2 And yet, the Lord in this case does not use that ‘saving faith’ by ‘grace in Christ’ as a criterion, a measuring rod, but their works. These works apparently do not refer to the works according to the Law, because these works were only valid for those who were under the Law. So those people belonging to Israel.3

What will happen to the well-meaning, ‘noble’ Gentiles? What will happen for instance to people like Socrates, who, having no Bible but through thinking, by philosophy and meditation, reached the conclusion that there is only one God, and that ‘death’ is a transition to a better life? Socrates’ last words, on his deathbed, were: ‘Do not forget to sacrifice a rooster, a cock to Asclepius,’ that is, to the ‘god’ of medical science—something one only did as an expression of gratitude for healing. Socrates was condemned to death by a chalice full of poison – because he allegedly eroded young people’s morals. His fellow Greek people said: by teaching that there is only one God instead of the complete Greek pantheon! And so they condemned him to death! Still, he regards his death as ‘healing’. What happens to him in this judgment before the white throne? What happens to sincere and simple Muslims serving ‘Allah’ in an honest way as they were told in their upbringing, or Hindus, or Buddhists, or ‘Confucianists’ or ‘Shintoists’ or even ‘animists’ for that matter? What will happen to people who never had a Bible, who never heard of Christ? What happens to people who lived before the Lord gave His divine revelation to Israel? What happens to those who died young, or were ‘aborted’ children? Are they all lost and do they now all go to hell? We are not into God’s bookkeeping. Fortunately, as well as the ‘books of works’ there is ‘another book’ that is also opened: the Book of Life!4 This is not a book of blank pages, as there are names in it! The disciples want to know whether there will be many who will be saved. Jesus replies that that is none of their business but that they should make every effort to enter.5 Make every effort to enter through the narrow door/ gate and to fight the good fight of the faith.6 Who is that narrow gate? He is the Lord Jesus Himself—the ‘Door’ through which the sheep come in and go out, and find pasture.7 The ‘works’ will accuse and incriminate many, so that there will be no more excuses.8 Yet in this Book of Life apparently will be names of people that will ‘live’ – it is the Book of Life after all. Maybe there was something good in them and done by them – only God knows.

Everyone? Universal Salvation? The Bible has no teaching that will allow us to think that this can happen or will happen. There will be people cast into Gehenna, hell.9 Many, or a few? God only knows the answer and it will be an absolutely just, absolutely holy, and absolutely righteous decision, and done in love as well. Jesus Christ is that one sure way of salvation! Oh, you would like to call out to everyone to: be reconciled to God!10 Today is still the time of grace! Lost sinner, fall on your knees and confess your guilt and your sins. You will find your salvation in Jesus! You may do this right now: put your hands together and close your eyes and open your heart for Him, to be saved for eternity!


• Isn’t it remarkable and significant that there will be nations on the New Earth that will need the tree of life for healing?11 So even after all the judgments there are still peoples/nations alive that are not found to be perfect, that need wounds to be healed, maybe even further teaching about God and Christ.
• The Lord Jesus also says that anyone who has not known the Lord’s will and done things that deserve punishment will be beaten with few blows, but that anyone who did know the Lord’s will, but did not do it, will be beaten with many blows.12
• John 14:6 “Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Whether you know it or not. All prayers go through Him, the Heavenly High Priest, and come to the Father cleansed by His blood when poured upon the golden altar of incense in the Heavenly Temple.

Bible References:
1.Revelation 20:6 2.John 3:36 3.Romans 2:12–16 4.Comp. Exodus 32:32–33; Psalm 69:19, 139:16; Daniel 12:1; Isaiah 4:3; Luke 10:20 5.Luke 13:23–30 6.1 Timothy 6:12 7.John 10:7, 9 8.Romans 1:20 9.Revelation 20:15 10.2 Corinthians 5:20 11.Revelation 22:2 12.Luke 12:47–48