Day 74: … there before me was a door standing open in Heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”1


WEEK 11 | DAY 74

After this I, John, saw the following vision. He had first seen Christ on Patmos (past), then there had been the seven messages (present), and now he looks at the things that are to take place ‘after this’ (future).2 ‘Meta tauta’, translated as after this, after these things, comes twice in this verse. The first time, as we saw, means nothing more than that the next thing John saw was a glance in Heaven—not necessarily a transition from one age to a following one, but simply the next vision. The second ‘meta tauta’ does appear to refer to things that are to happen ‘after this’ however. This ‘meta tauta’ appears to correspond to the ‘meta tauta’ in Revelation 1:19—present—and with what is to happen—indeed, has to happen ‘after this’— future, as here and also in Revelation 1:1. Christ came to earth, to John, to give His church the sevenfold message that would comfort and encourage her through the coming centuries until His return. John may now enter Heaven, with Christ, to see what is going to, and has to, happen on earth, in Heaven, and between Heaven and earth, before Christ returns. John is allowed a look into the future.

Indeed, knowing what must happen will be a comfort and an encouragement for the Church. She will know that things do not happen by chance. Jesus knows about it. These things must happen. We as God’s people are safe though. Even though we shall be persecuted and attempts will be made upon our life,3 things will not get out of hand—not out of His hand. Just a little more suffering, a little more struggle, another battle and then He will come. So, let us continue to expect Him soon. Suddenly, it will all be over, and then the Heavens will open and He will come, with His holy angels.4 If you have a general idea of what the future will hold, what powers will be at work, you are prepared and you will not panic. You simply lay the newspaper next to the Bible and you say: “Yes, indeed, these things have to happen, and it is going to get even worse! But Jesus is coming and He will lead me safely through it all.”

John sees a door open in Heaven, and he hears Christ’s voice,5 like a trumpet, saying to him: “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things…” After the door giving entrance to the Kingdom6 and after the door of the heart,7 now here is the door to Heaven. It is open! Access to Heaven is free,8 in Christ—spiritually for us, literally for John, in the spirit/Spirit. Do we have spiritual contact with the glorified Christ every day?


• In contrast to Ezekiel, who also saw Heaven open,9 John is allowed to climb up. Isaiah also saw Heaven opened10 but he remained on earth, just like Jacob at Bethel.11

• It is not always going to be quite clear, in the following chapters of the Book of Revelation, where the prophet is and from which perspective he is observing the developments. See Revelation 10:1, where John appears to be on earth again (until 11:13). Things in Heaven are again being looked at in Revelation 11:15–19. He is back on earth in chapter 12, but apparently back in Heaven in Revelation 14:17–20. The barrier between Heaven and earth is broken through ‘in the Spirit’.

Bible References:
1. NIV 2. Comp. Revelation 1:19 3. Luke 21:16 4. Luke 21:36; Mark 13:26–27 5. Comp. Revelation 1:10 and 12 6. Ezekiel 1:1 7. Isaiah 6:1 8. Genesis 28:12 and 17 9.Revelation 3:8 10.Revelation 3:20 11.Hebrews 10:19–22